The School offers a new Watercolor workshop, which will be held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, from 10 am to 12 noon.
Presentation of audiovisual projects
"Of sand and mother-of-pearl" The Image Department of the E.A.O. launches its final year of the course, a year summarized in these selected works that speak of all of us, of our tastes, passions, doubts and certainties. Of our tastes, passions, doubts and certainties, of our commitment, of our attitude, of our...
Horizontal blank
The following installation is the result of the collaboration between the School of Arts and Crafts (EAAOO) and the Municipal Nursery Schools (EIMU) of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Throughout the academic year 23/24 it has been moved to the different centers: EIMU Zaramaga, EIMU...
Wood workshop (June 2024)
"The Passions/Grinak". Photography and Digital Film Exhibition
The Photography and Digital Film workshops of the School of Arts and Crafts will inaugurate next Friday 14, at 19:00 pm, "The Passions/Grinak". 59 photographic pieces and an audiovisual piece that make up a group exhibition that aims to give an overview of the...
LEATHER Workshop (May-June 2024)
Portrait Workshop (May-June 2024)
Salbuespenak. The exception confirms the rule.
The opening of the exhibition will take place on Wednesday, May 8, from 17:30 to 19:00h.ASPACE ÁLAVA PAINTING GROUPThe Painting Group of Aspace Álava is composed of men and women with Cerebral Palsy, who make art a way of expression and their works...
School workshops 2024-25
4Gasteiztxo - School workshops- Municipal Educational Activities - Course 2024-2025 - Workshops DescriptionPop sculpture (sculpture) From 6 years old. Creation of an abstract three-dimensional piece inspired by contemporary sculptural conceptions,...
Wood Night (April 2024)
Enrolment for the 2024-2025 academic year
ENROLMENT DATES 24-25/ ENROLMENT 24-25/ Amounts and discounts 24-25/
Raquel Calvo. Painting
Painting exhibition by Raquel Calvo, at the Escuela de Artes y Oficios, from April 8 to 26.