Vital Artea 2024
The best proposals in the Arte Vital 2024 contest were those presented by Zigor Urrutia, 'Estrategias para la fama (ensayo II)', a work in wood and silk-screened and die-cut sheet metal; Eloisa Montoya, 'Sin título', acrylics and collage on canvas;...
Watercolor Night Workshop (until November 18)
Talk by film director Damien Hauser
Activities related to the 250th anniversary of the EAO Talk by film director Damien Hauser, which will take place on November 7 at 19:15h, in classroom 32 of the School of Arts and Crafts.
Presentation of the creative process behind the concert Lights, Camera, Action.
Activities related to the 250th anniversary of the EAO On November 8 from 18:30 to 20:30h, the Hibridalab auditorium will host a presentation of the creative and collaborative process between the Municipal Band and the School of Arts and Crafts of...
Activities at the EAO Library
ACTIVIDADES CULTURALES EN LA BIBLIOTECA DE LA ESCUELA DE ARTES Y OFICIOS AÑO 2025 (pincha aquí para ver las aperturas especiales) La Escuela de Artes y Oficios confirma las fechas en las que se abrirá al público su Biblioteca: NP Biblioteca Escuela de Artes y...
Digital 2.
We begin the exhibitions in the showcases of the School; in them we can see the different works that are developed in the Center. We begin this year with the Digital 2 workshop (from 29/10 to 18/11/24).
Arabaclick. Presentation of audiovisual projects.
Next October 30th, Wednesday at 18:30h, the School will be invited again by the organization of the contest "Arabaclick" in its sixth edition, to participate in this photographic meeting. For this very special occasion in which we also celebrate our first edition of...
Contest to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the School
The School of Arts and Crafts announces a contest that aims to involve students in the commemoration of 250 years of history of the School. The contest is open to all students of the School. Click here to see the...
The sense of imagining
If last September 23rd you could not go to the talk-meeting with Juan Arrosagaray held in the framework of the Photographic Mondays; or if like many of us you were left out due to limited seating capacity, this Friday, October 25th you have another opportunity...
Conference. David Jiménez. "Playing with the invisible".
Today Friday at Aldabe, at 19:00h, we will enjoy the first meeting with creators and artists that we will celebrate to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the School, with a talk by photographer David Jimenez.
Montehermoso Cultural Center
Cycle of interviews with artists (click here for more information)