
Vital Artea 2024

Vital Artea 2024

  The best proposals in the Arte Vital 2024 contest were those presented by Zigor Urrutia, 'Estrategias para la fama (ensayo II)', a work in wood and silk-screened and die-cut sheet metal; Eloisa Montoya, 'Sin título', acrylics and collage on canvas;...

Activities at the EAO Library

Activities at the EAO Library

ACTIVIDADES CULTURALES EN LA BIBLIOTECA DE LA ESCUELA DE ARTES Y OFICIOS AÑO 2025 (pincha aquí para ver las aperturas especiales) La Escuela de Artes y Oficios confirma las fechas en las que se abrirá al público su Biblioteca: NP Biblioteca Escuela de Artes y...

Digital 2.

Digital 2.

We begin the exhibitions in the showcases of the School; in them we can see the different works that are developed in the Center. We begin this year with the Digital 2 workshop (from 29/10 to 18/11/24).

The sense of imagining

The sense of imagining

If last September 23rd you could not go to the talk-meeting with Juan Arrosagaray held in the framework of the Photographic Mondays; or if like many of us you were left out due to limited seating capacity, this Friday, October 25th you have another opportunity...