
Visits to the EAO Library

Visits to the EAO Library

The School of Arts and Crafts confirms the dates on which its Library will be open to the public: NP Biblioteca Escuela de Artes y Oficios_250 años (click here) / Prentsa-oharra_Arte eta Lanbide Eskolako liburutegia_250 urte You can reserve your attendance through the...

Zas Kultur. Nuria Pérez Cárcamo

Zas Kultur. Nuria Pérez Cárcamo

Thursday, November 14 at 19:00 at the Zas Kultur Cultural Center invites you to the third interview of the Interakzioak/interactions cycle at the Montehermoso Cultural Center. On this occasion, Ariana RAC will chat live with the visual artist Nuria Pérez Cárcamo, from...