* Binding. Bradel with double cardboard, edge to edge suede guards and design.
Si te apasiona el mundo de la encuadernación no dudes en conocer esta nueva técnica con la que adquirirás unos conocimientos muy específicos sobre la construcción de un libro:● Tapa suelta.● Guardas borde a borde en ante.● Doble tapa con dos tipos diferentes de...
* STOPMOVIDAS. Animation Film Processes-Stop Motion Animation.
Get started in animation with a luxury "teacher": Sonia Estévez, nominated to the Goya Awards for the animated short film Txontxongiloa. To participate you only need your own cell phone, a free App and the stop motion animation technique. It is also possible to...
* Introduce interactive and sonorous elements in your plastic creations.
Do you dare to integrate interactive and sound elements in your plastic creations? If so, this is the workshop for you. Here you will discover how to integrate interactive tools in your visual arts projects, both in two-dimensional and three-dimensional formats by...
* Screening of the documentary: 'Cristina García Rodero: La mirada oculta' (Cristina García Rodero: The Hidden Gaze).
Carlota Nelson (screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, journalist and researcher) will be in charge of presenting 'Cristina García Rodero: La mirada oculta', her vibrant documentary about the work and figure of the popular photographer Cristina García Rodero....
250th Anniversary Workshops
Structure poverty. Exposure.
Visits to the EAO Library
The School of Arts and Crafts confirms the dates on which its Library will be open to the public: NP Biblioteca Escuela de Artes y Oficios_250 años (click here) / Prentsa-oharra_Arte eta Lanbide Eskolako liburutegia_250 urte You can reserve your attendance through the...
XV meeting of the network of organizers of educational and social concerts
Next Monday, December 2, in the framework of the XV meeting of the network of organizers of educational and social concerts (ROCE), will be held a concert where the School of Arts and Crafts has participated with the realization of a video. This is a...
Pastel Workshop (11/19 to 12/5)
Engraving Workshop (11/19 to 12/5)
The School of Arts and Crafts presents the program of events for its 250th Anniversary
The School will celebrate its 250th anniversary throughout the academic year with meetings, workshops, collaborations, exhibitions, a commemorative publication, a festive day and even a gift for Vitoria-Gasteiz in the form of a show. (Click here for all the information about the...
Zas Kultur. Nuria Pérez Cárcamo
Thursday, November 14 at 19:00 at the Zas Kultur Cultural Center invites you to the third interview of the Interakzioak/interactions cycle at the Montehermoso Cultural Center. On this occasion, Ariana RAC will chat live with the visual artist Nuria Pérez Cárcamo, from...