Portrait night
Anatomical drawing
Games Academy closes 2020 at the School of Arts and Crafts of Vitoria, with a workshop for the creation of video games.
The F2P Campus Vitoria-Gasteiz initiative was born to boost the video game industry in the Basque Country Vitoria aspires to be a reference in the video game industry. That is why a few years ago the initiative...
Workshops for schools 2020-2021
As every year we have started our collaboration with schools and occupational centers in Alava. To make your reservation please contact Click here to see the offer of workshops for the course...
Instructions for students in relation to Covid-19
covid-19 best practices guide for Children's Creativity covid-19 best practices guide for Young Art covid-19 best practices guide for adults.
Start of the 2020-2021 academic year
The 2020-2021 course will start from September 8 (each student according to the days he/she is enrolled).
Digital editing seminar with Photoshop
No fear of Photoshop (registration open from September 9) Dates: Fridays, from September 18 to October 30. 20 hours. Schedule: from 17: 00 to 20:00h Places: 10 places. Fee: 165€.
2020-2021 Calendar
Download here the calendar for the 2020-2021 academic year
Refund of fees (2019-20 enrollment)
Dear students, At the board of trustees meeting held on June 29th, it was decided to refund 20% of the tuition fee for the period in which no classes have been received. In order to proceed with the refund of the...
Watercolor pencils
......... and a field notebook for vacations? We are almost approaching the vacations at the School. I am sending you a proposal, I think, very useful to enjoy drawing and painting in the free time. It is about the watercolor pencil paints that you already know. Its use...
New student enrollment 2020-2021
We inform you that we are opening the registration period for new students. The registration period will be from Tuesday, June 23rd, until Tuesday, July 14th, 2020, both inclusive. You can find more detailed information here ....
Photomontage (2nd part)
The art of photomontage began in Europe just after World War I. The term photomontage was invented by the Dada group in Berlin, Germany. The term photomontage was invented by the Dada group in Berlin, Germany. Between 1916 and 1918: John Heartfield, George Grosz, Hannah Höch, Raoul Hausmann and Johannes Baader immersed themselves in...