
moodle doubts

Dear students, For any questions or doubts regarding moodle, please use the following e-mail address:  

Drawing II afternoon

Drawing II afternoon

Drawing 2 (afternoons) With the objective of reinforcing the students' confidence, we work on textures, illuminations, drawing from life or invention from chance. Our "guides" are artists such as Leonor Fini, Shaun Tan, Sánchez Cotán or Paco Gómez.

"Little Principle"

"Little Principle"

"...When I was six years old, I once saw a magnificent image in a book about the Virgin Forest called "Living Stories". It depicted a boa snake swallowing a wild beast....". "...I reflected a lot on the adventures of the jungle and, for my part, I managed to trace....

Meeting with Gervasio Sánchez

Meeting with Gervasio Sánchez

    On Thursday, October 7, we had the opportunity to talk with Gervasio Sánchez. The photojournalist who has portrayed in detail the miseries and pain always provoked in the weakest groups (civil society) by the unreason and the...

Invisible images

Invisible images

From the children's creativity workshop we have entered the photo lab. In this place everything that happens becomes special, unique and magical. The red light of the laboratory allows the photographers to work in semi-darkness without the papers...

Plein Air (drawing)

Plein Air (drawing)

PLEIN AIR We are going to approach the drawing of "outdoor" spaces, go out to the nearest park and enjoy representing what attracts us to it. I suggest a series of strategies. They are ordered, but they do not always follow this development and, sometimes, they...

Visit to Santa Catalina

Visit to Santa Catalina

"From the sketch to the big picture" Experimenting and expressing among beautifully erected ruins. Its walls, remnants of history, shelter the light to give expression to color. Good times with the creative projects workshop, we'll be back! Carmen Lecanda, teacher of the...

Anatomical drawing

Anatomical drawing

"ANATOMICAL DRAWING" (from 18-10 to 19-11-21) The workshop presents the result of two proposals. On the first floor, a large-format work designed for the showcase from a photograph (made at the School by the Photography Workshop) and a passage from "Alice...

Monographs (from November to February)

Monographs (from November to February)

        Introduction to Photography: Mondays, from 19:30 to 21:30; from November 8, 2021 to February 14, 2022. Bookbinding course; artist's books: Thursdays, from 19:30 to 21:30; from November 11, 2021 to February 10, 2022. Artistic practices...