

Consultation of the Library's Opac (online public access catalog): Consultation of the catalog in Spanish Consultation of the catalog in Basque Consultation of the catalog in Basque


Consultation of the bibliographic collection (research topics): previous appointment requested to the library e-mail: (Requirement: the researcher must have the Basque Public Reading Network card) Activities...


In the following links you can consult the EAO rules and regulations: FOURNIER LIBRARY RULES (Basque) FOURNIER LIBRARY RULES (Spanish)            

"Raw Art" Sculpture

"Raw Art" Sculpture

Once again the students of the Sculpture workshop of the School of Arts and Crafts, has made an exhibition where they can develop and show their creativity. Taking up the challenge of covering an exhibition in two months, they have chosen the cardboard as the common thread; so they have...

"The 4 and 10" Workshop: Digital Imaging

"The 4 and 10" Workshop: Digital Imaging

Las 4 y 10. In 1973 Luis Eduardo Aute told/sang the story of a frustration (that of a whole country) through this beautiful love story. As a tribute, from the digital image workshop, we have designed a collection of posters around the story of...

Wood workshop (11/22 to 12/10)

Wood workshop (11/22 to 12/10)

Woodworking is a slow and leisurely art that requires a lot of dexterity and skill. It has survived thanks to the effort of the craftsmen, who have transmitted their art from generation to generation. In our workshop, in each course, there is a transfer of...

Painting and solidarity from Alava

Painting and solidarity from Alava

Colores Sin Fronteras and Jango Congo bring together the work of 35 artists until the 29th at the School of Arts and Crafts. Carlos González (11-11-22) Noticias de Álava Click here to read the article

Anatomical drawing (bis)

Anatomical drawing (bis)

Santa Catalina Once upon a time there was an old abandoned convent. One day 45 dancers and 30 artists met there. This is the result of that meeting. Bazen behin komentu zahar abandonatu bat. Egun batean han 45 dantzari eta 30 marrazkilari egin zuten topo. Hau...